January 16, 2025


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Teachers’ Coronavirus Back-to-School List: Masks, Face Shields, Scrubs

Teachers are stocking up on face coverings, hoping to protect themselves and their students from the coronavirus as some U.S. schools begin in-person instruction.

Many states and school districts have said they would provide personal-protective equipment to those who need it, but some teachers say they haven’t received it yet and aren’t sure what will be distributed or when it will arrive.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that teachers, staff and students wear cloth face coverings whenever possible amid growing evidence that masks help reduce the virus’s spread and may offer the wearer some protection.

Consistent use of face coverings, the CDC said, is most important indoors and when it is difficult to maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet. The agency also suggests that schools consider regular cleaning and hand washing or sanitizing.

In Guthrie, Okla., middle-school teacher Bryan Dearing said his district is recommending but not requiring students and staff to wear masks when schools reopen Aug. 20. Mr. Dearing said school officials told teachers they would be given two face masks but gave little other information about personal-protective equipment.