September 10, 2024


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Guilford County health department wins statewide award | Health

GREENSBORO — The Guilford County Division of Public Health has been named the 2021 North Carolina Public Health Association Dr. Sarah Taylor Morrow Health Department of the Year. This award is given to health departments who have demonstrated outstanding and exemplary health initiatives and programs.

The health department was awarded the NCPHA Health Department of the Year for its unique ability to provide COVID-19 services while simultaneously addressing priority health issues in Guilford County. Dr. Iulia Vann is director of the Guilford County health department.

“Receiving this award is a full-circle and historic moment for the GCDPH — as the award is named in honor of Guilford County’s very first female Public Health Director, Dr. Sarah T. Morrow,” Vann said in a news release.

“When Dr. Morrow, who still follows us very closely from her home in Wilmington, NC, found out that we received this award she said, ‘Well of course they did!’ This is such a special moment for us and it is truly an honor to continue the rich legacy of monumental achievements in public health in Guilford County,” Vann said. 

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Some of the department’s work recognized in the decision includes:

  • Guilford County Formerly Incarcerated Transition Program
  • Care management for high risk pregnancy 
  • Addressing the needs of community members with housing insecurity
  • Collaborative opioid awareness and outreach efforts
  • COVID-19 testing, contract tracing, surveillance, vaccinations, mitigation and a nationally recognized communication campaign.

Award winners receive a prize of $1,000.